Thursday, November 17, 2011

Coming down the homestretch

Less than a week to go with the finish line (Thanksgiving dinner + leftovers) in sight! I haven't heard much chatter about how everyone is doing, so I assume no news is good news - yes??

Here's a quick up date and early (brief) analysis on the last few weeks from my side of the challenge.

I've felt like I was in a funk most of the time. I never felt like I was craving anything or that I was missing not eating X any more, but I also never reached that level of elation that some people (Whole 30 FB page, Whole9 website) claim to feel as early as 2-4 days in. Was I not trying hard enough? I wouldn't say that. I did tend to eat an apple every other day (more this past weekend when traveling as well as Lara bars), which quenched my sweet tooth, and had a few splurges on raw nuts. Not buying nuts and Lara bars and keeping them out of the house would be a solution, but I just need a little more will power and need to eat more protein and other fat during the day so I don't head for that cupboard when I get home from work. If I'm bored I'll eat and I need to stay busy. Additionally, I need to have ready to eat forms of protein available to snack on if I'm hungry. It all comes down to being prepared.

Also, I had a physical on October 31st and had some blood work done. This was a week into the challenge and here are my results**

Total cholesterol - 257 (< 200)
HDL - 92 (40 +)
LDL - 157 (< 150)
Triglycerides - 41 (20-150)

**I have results from a couple years ago that I'll post when I get a chance.

My doctor suggested I improve my cholesterol by "increasing your aerobic exercise (such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc.) decreasing fat in your diet, and increasing fruits and vegetables and other sources of fiber". I'm going to get it retested in 3-6 months per her request, but I'm note overly concerned about my numbers. I know I was eating less than paleo the weeks/months leading up to the blood test, and a week of clean eating wasn't going to give me 'ideal' numbers.

So I'm not going to 'jog more' and decrease me fat, but I will stick to paleo eating. Note, she didn't say cut back on red meat, eat brown rice, lentils, and beans. I'm going to be as strict as possible and will put off any wild post paleo cheats until after my next blood test. I had planned to have a Chick-fil-a milkshake after the Hot Chocolate 5k in a few weeks (something I've been thinking about since Ironman Wisconsin in September), but I don't feel worthy of it just yet. And that also means putting off some other meals - chicken and waffles at Founding Farmers - that I've been drooling over. I will allow some paleo-fied foods and paleo desserts, but it's going to be tough especially during the holidays with office parties and endless treats in the work kitchen. Keep me in check!

Speaking of chicken and waffles, I will fess up to a cheat. Our landlord, who lives right above us, made too much fried chicken last night and offered us a plate with 6 pieces the size of chicken tenders/fingers. We stared at the pieces - drooling! - and without much hesitation, divvied it up. Sure it was breadcrumbs, flour, and probably not the best choice of oil.. but it was pretty damn crispy and juicy. Friggin' delicious! A total of about 3 ounces. Did I wreck my insides? Fail? Try to hide it? No, eh, no. Before eating, Kristine and I said we'd own up to it (Paige, you're finding out now if K hasn't told you already!), so here you go. Now my goal is to find a recipe for making paleo fried chicken that comes close to how crispy and delicious that was.

Back on subject, I did take some measurements and weigh myself at the start of the challenge. I haven't stepped on the scale (aside from getting weighed at my doctors appointment) or taken any measurements since then, and plan to do so Thursday morning when the challenge is over. Remember, Wednesday the 23rd is the last day of the challenge, so you can eat whatever you want as of 12:00:01AM on the 24th. Go as hog wild as you want (IF you want), but note if you feel any better/worse versus previous Thanksgiving feasts.

Let me know how things have been going. I'll give another update next week at the end of the challenge and include additional numbers - weight and inches lost or gained - and more notes about going forward. This will include eating paleo-fied foods or even eating paleo 80/20.


Myra said...

I was doing well until this week. This week... binges galore. All on paleo-approved foods, granted, but I'm simply Eating. Too. Much. I'm full but still reaching for food.

There are two possible reasons: 1. I'm simply tired of being "good." I started my first Whole 30 on September 1, jumped to the Primal Challenge at the end of September, and when the Primal Challenge ended the second week of October, I continued eating clean with only one exception - sweet potato fries cooked in God knows what at the Tough Mudder. Then this Whole 30 began.

2. I have to confess to a cheat too - I decided that I'd be Primal instead of Whole 30 pure last Sunday and bought a bottle of probiotic yogurt smoothie from a stand at the Dupont Circle Freshfarms market. It was supposed to be plain yogurt. After I sucked down the whole thing I discovered honey was in it. That might have triggered my cravings this week.

I'd lost almost five pounds from the time I started on September 1 till the day we started this challenge, but I feel it creeping it back on now.

My energy levels are good, though. I'm sleeping much less now and not for lack of trying. I just don't need as much sleep - I keep trying to sleep, telling myself "You've had only six hours! It's still two hours before you leave for Crossfit!" but I end up just lying there. In a fully darkened room with no light filtering though or distractions, I should add.

What's next for me after this challenge? I think I'll stay as paleo/primal as possible - no grains, beans, soy, or processed sugars. I want to get my cholesterol levels re-tested this January because I haven't had them since the original challenge I did with this box last winter, and since that time, I've incorporated much, much more animal fats. I'm curious to see what effect that has had.

Brandon said...

Not gonna make any friends here, so I'll keep it simple. For the purposes of the "challenge," I bowed out last week.

But for what it's worth, I've lost 5 pounds and I feel great. I'm pretty stinking amazed at how my appetite/sugar cravings have been "reset." Since removing the possibility of snacking on sugar, I've really redefined my distinction between hunger and boredom.

Going forward, I intend to stay on this. My biggest departure (and reason for straying) is alcohol. I had no problem giving up dairy, sugar, beans, and grains. But this kid does need an occasional drink.