Less than a week to go with the finish line (Thanksgiving dinner + leftovers) in sight! I haven't heard much chatter about how everyone is doing, so I assume no news is good news - yes??
Here's a quick up date and early (brief) analysis on the last few weeks from my side of the challenge.
I've felt like I was in a funk most of the time. I never felt like I was craving anything or that I was missing not eating X any more, but I also never reached that level of elation that some people (Whole 30 FB page, Whole9 website) claim to feel as early as 2-4 days in. Was I not trying hard enough? I wouldn't say that. I did tend to eat an apple every other day (more this past weekend when traveling as well as Lara bars), which quenched my sweet tooth, and had a few splurges on raw nuts. Not buying nuts and Lara bars and keeping them out of the house would be a solution, but I just need a little more will power and need to eat more protein and other fat during the day so I don't head for that cupboard when I get home from work. If I'm bored I'll eat and I need to stay busy. Additionally, I need to have ready to eat forms of protein available to snack on if I'm hungry. It all comes down to being prepared.
Also, I had a physical on October 31st and had some blood work done. This was a week into the challenge and here are my results**
Total cholesterol - 257 (< 200)
HDL - 92 (40 +)
LDL - 157 (< 150)
Triglycerides - 41 (20-150)
**I have results from a couple years ago that I'll post when I get a chance.
My doctor suggested I improve my cholesterol by "increasing your aerobic exercise (such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc.) decreasing fat in your diet, and increasing fruits and vegetables and other sources of fiber". I'm going to get it retested in 3-6 months per her request, but I'm note overly concerned about my numbers. I know I was eating less than paleo the weeks/months leading up to the blood test, and a week of clean eating wasn't going to give me 'ideal' numbers.
So I'm not going to 'jog more' and decrease me fat, but I will stick to paleo eating. Note, she didn't say cut back on red meat, eat brown rice, lentils, and beans. I'm going to be as strict as possible and will put off any wild post paleo cheats until after my next blood test. I had planned to have a Chick-fil-a milkshake after the Hot Chocolate 5k in a few weeks (something I've been thinking about since Ironman Wisconsin in September), but I don't feel worthy of it just yet. And that also means putting off some other meals - chicken and waffles at Founding Farmers - that I've been drooling over. I will allow some paleo-fied foods and paleo desserts, but it's going to be tough especially during the holidays with office parties and endless treats in the work kitchen. Keep me in check!
Speaking of chicken and waffles, I will fess up to a cheat. Our landlord, who lives right above us, made too much fried chicken last night and offered us a plate with 6 pieces the size of chicken tenders/fingers. We stared at the pieces - drooling! - and without much hesitation, divvied it up. Sure it was breadcrumbs, flour, and probably not the best choice of oil.. but it was pretty damn crispy and juicy. Friggin' delicious! A total of about 3 ounces. Did I wreck my insides? Fail? Try to hide it? No, eh, no. Before eating, Kristine and I said we'd own up to it (Paige, you're finding out now if K hasn't told you already!), so here you go. Now my goal is to find a recipe for making paleo fried chicken that comes close to how crispy and delicious that was.
Back on subject, I did take some measurements and weigh myself at the start of the challenge. I haven't stepped on the scale (aside from getting weighed at my doctors appointment) or taken any measurements since then, and plan to do so Thursday morning when the challenge is over. Remember, Wednesday the 23rd is the last day of the challenge, so you can eat whatever you want as of 12:00:01AM on the 24th. Go as hog wild as you want (IF you want), but note if you feel any better/worse versus previous Thanksgiving feasts.
Let me know how things have been going. I'll give another update next week at the end of the challenge and include additional numbers - weight and inches lost or gained - and more notes about going forward. This will include eating paleo-fied foods or even eating paleo 80/20.
Join in for Q&A to learn the tricks of the trade on how to go (and stay) Paleo
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
First week check-in
I'm sure at this point people are a mix of headaches, foamy mouths, sluggishness, and cravings.
It's okay. You're going through "the change".
Changing habits doesn't make everything all better overnight.
Think of this not as just flipping a switch in the circuit breaker, but rewiring our bodies, changing the bulbs, and adding dimmer lights. It's a process. If you're not an electrician and you're trying to make these upgrades on your own, there will be a lot of questions and even some mistakes along the way. It's a learning process, and it takes time.
We're getting away from pre-packaged meals, fast food, and convenience of eating food with less nutritional quality. So make some time to find some recipes, read labels, chop veggies, roast chicken, and enjoy the time in the kitchen. Sure, it can be time consuming, but I love the smell of squash soup on the stove, or a pot roast in the crock pot ready to eat when I get home from work. I feel a sense of accomplishment to try a new recipe and I like to share it with others so they can expand their palate.
So let's keep sharing what works/doesn't work, how to deal with cravings, etc.
Here are a few tips that I've learned from previous paleo challenges
- Drink heavily - I mentioned it in a reply, but aim to drink half your body weight in ounces. So if you weigh 200 lbs, you should drink 100oz of WATER a day (minimum). This is just a guideline, but sometimes you might be thirsty when you think you're hungry. This doesn't apply to during working - you are neither thirsty nor hungry, you are stalling. (PS - how much water drinking went on during "Annie"?)
- Sleep - This is where I fail as I typically get 6-7 hrs of sleep. Your goal should be 8+ hours of uninterrupted sleep in a dark room. What you do during workouts helps you get stronger, but you make your money when you sleep, which is when your body is working to repair itself so it can be ready for the next workout.
- Eat meals, not snacks - I used to snack a lot during the day especially on sugar snap peas, apples, carrots, etc. I'm to the point where I'm set with 3 meals, maybe something small post workout, and a handful of carrots and a hard boiled egg during the day. The last bit I'll grab when I don't have stuff together, but I like to have smaller meals in place of a snack. I'll take it with me to work, but I don't feel the need to eat it if I'm not hungry. Before, I felt like I HAD to eat everything I packed.
- Eat more - If you're getting plenty of sleep and drinking enough water, yet you still have headaches or cravings.. eat more. Protein and fat will keep you satiated and take longer to digest.
- It's okay to be a little hungry - Your body doesn't have the usual amount of carbohydrates to use as fuel and it doesn't know what to do, but the stored fat is there to pick up the slack. You can go more than 2-3 hours without eating, so have some water.
- Plan ahead - I find I have more structure and eating paleo is easier during the week than it is on the weekends. On weekends, I might spend more time in front of the TV where I'm more inclined to snack, or I might be out for a few hours running errands. In one case I might have the munchies and in the other I might forget to eat. In either case, have a plan. Either have a good, filling meal before or during your TV show(s) or before going out, and take some paleo snacks and water with you.
- Use frozen/pre-chopped veggies - If you're going to cook something in the crock pot, sometimes it's a timesaver to buy pre-cut veggies and throw them in the pot than it is to chop eevvverything up. However, if you've got the time to chop, chop away and store the extras to use on a salad, in an egg scramble, as a side dish, etc.
- Write it down - I don't want this to turn into a laborious process of weighing, measuring, tracking, tallying, etc, but if you're hungry, tired irritable and you can't figure out why, chart your progress. Jot down what you ate and how much sleep you got that night as well as rate your stress level on a scale of 1 (chill) to 5 (pulling my hair out).
Use this weekend to check out some recipes here on the website or on some of the blogs I've linked to on the side, then hit the grocery stores. Check out the Guide to the Grocery Store on the Whole9 website, and the FAQ section on Robb Wolf's website for some good ideas.
Finally, I would like to have a pot luck dinner at the end, and the only weekend I have available is November 19-20, which is the weekend before Thanksgiving. We could do Thursday the 17th if people are heading out of town that weekend. Or we could have two pot lucks! Even if we have to wait until December, we can do that to make sure as many people as possible can attend. Let me know if the 17th or 19th would work, or toss out some other dates that fit your schedule.
Keep it up!
It's okay. You're going through "the change".
Changing habits doesn't make everything all better overnight.
Think of this not as just flipping a switch in the circuit breaker, but rewiring our bodies, changing the bulbs, and adding dimmer lights. It's a process. If you're not an electrician and you're trying to make these upgrades on your own, there will be a lot of questions and even some mistakes along the way. It's a learning process, and it takes time.
We're getting away from pre-packaged meals, fast food, and convenience of eating food with less nutritional quality. So make some time to find some recipes, read labels, chop veggies, roast chicken, and enjoy the time in the kitchen. Sure, it can be time consuming, but I love the smell of squash soup on the stove, or a pot roast in the crock pot ready to eat when I get home from work. I feel a sense of accomplishment to try a new recipe and I like to share it with others so they can expand their palate.
So let's keep sharing what works/doesn't work, how to deal with cravings, etc.
Here are a few tips that I've learned from previous paleo challenges
- Drink heavily - I mentioned it in a reply, but aim to drink half your body weight in ounces. So if you weigh 200 lbs, you should drink 100oz of WATER a day (minimum). This is just a guideline, but sometimes you might be thirsty when you think you're hungry. This doesn't apply to during working - you are neither thirsty nor hungry, you are stalling. (PS - how much water drinking went on during "Annie"?)
- Sleep - This is where I fail as I typically get 6-7 hrs of sleep. Your goal should be 8+ hours of uninterrupted sleep in a dark room. What you do during workouts helps you get stronger, but you make your money when you sleep, which is when your body is working to repair itself so it can be ready for the next workout.
- Eat meals, not snacks - I used to snack a lot during the day especially on sugar snap peas, apples, carrots, etc. I'm to the point where I'm set with 3 meals, maybe something small post workout, and a handful of carrots and a hard boiled egg during the day. The last bit I'll grab when I don't have stuff together, but I like to have smaller meals in place of a snack. I'll take it with me to work, but I don't feel the need to eat it if I'm not hungry. Before, I felt like I HAD to eat everything I packed.
- Eat more - If you're getting plenty of sleep and drinking enough water, yet you still have headaches or cravings.. eat more. Protein and fat will keep you satiated and take longer to digest.
- It's okay to be a little hungry - Your body doesn't have the usual amount of carbohydrates to use as fuel and it doesn't know what to do, but the stored fat is there to pick up the slack. You can go more than 2-3 hours without eating, so have some water.
- Plan ahead - I find I have more structure and eating paleo is easier during the week than it is on the weekends. On weekends, I might spend more time in front of the TV where I'm more inclined to snack, or I might be out for a few hours running errands. In one case I might have the munchies and in the other I might forget to eat. In either case, have a plan. Either have a good, filling meal before or during your TV show(s) or before going out, and take some paleo snacks and water with you.
- Use frozen/pre-chopped veggies - If you're going to cook something in the crock pot, sometimes it's a timesaver to buy pre-cut veggies and throw them in the pot than it is to chop eevvverything up. However, if you've got the time to chop, chop away and store the extras to use on a salad, in an egg scramble, as a side dish, etc.
- Write it down - I don't want this to turn into a laborious process of weighing, measuring, tracking, tallying, etc, but if you're hungry, tired irritable and you can't figure out why, chart your progress. Jot down what you ate and how much sleep you got that night as well as rate your stress level on a scale of 1 (chill) to 5 (pulling my hair out).
Use this weekend to check out some recipes here on the website or on some of the blogs I've linked to on the side, then hit the grocery stores. Check out the Guide to the Grocery Store on the Whole9 website, and the FAQ section on Robb Wolf's website for some good ideas.
Finally, I would like to have a pot luck dinner at the end, and the only weekend I have available is November 19-20, which is the weekend before Thanksgiving. We could do Thursday the 17th if people are heading out of town that weekend. Or we could have two pot lucks! Even if we have to wait until December, we can do that to make sure as many people as possible can attend. Let me know if the 17th or 19th would work, or toss out some other dates that fit your schedule.
Keep it up!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Day 1 of a new challenge
I'll keep this first post short and sweet. As a change from our last 'in gym' challenge, when we had our own rules and point system, we'll be following the rules as posted by Whole 9 - http://whole9life.com/2011/10/whole-30-v5/
... Here’s what NOT to eat during the duration of your Whole30 program. Omitting all of these foods and beverages will help you regain your healthy metabolism, reduce systemic inflammation, and help you discover how these foods are truly impacting your health, fitness and quality of life.
- Do not consume added sugar of any kind, real or artificial. No maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, Splenda, Equal, Nutrasweet, xylitol, stevia, etc. Read your labels (and your Success Guide FAQ), because companies sneak sugar into products in ways you might not recognize.
- Do not eat processed foods. This includes protein shakes, pre-packaged snacks or meals, protein bars, milk substitutes, etc.
- Do not consume alcohol, in any form. (And it should go without saying, but no tobacco products of any sort, either.)
- Do not eat grains. This includes (but is not limited to) wheat, rye, barley, millet, oats, corn, rice, sprouted grains and all of those gluten-free pseudo-grains like quinoa. Yes, we said corn… for the purposes of this program, corn is a grain! This also includes all the ways we add wheat, corn and rice into our foods in the form of bran, germ, starch and so on. Again, read your labels.
- Do not eat legumes. This includes beans of all kinds (black, kidney, lima, etc.), peas, lentils, and peanuts. No peanut butter, either. This also includes all forms of soy – soy sauce, miso, tofu, tempeh, edamame, tamari and all the ways we sneak soy into foods (like lecithin).
- Do not eat dairy. This includes cow, goat or sheep’s milk products such as cream, cheese (hard or soft), kefir, yogurt (even Greek), and sour cream… (NEW!) with the exception of clarified butter or ghee. (See below for details.)
Do not eat white potatoes. They are carbohydrate/calorie-dense and nutrient poor, and you’ve got an excellent, nutrient-dense option in sweet potatoes or yams. (refer to your Success Guide FAQ for details).
- Most importantly… do not try to shove your old, unhealthy diet into a shiny new Whole30 mold. This means no "Paleo-fying" desserts or junk food – no Paleo pancakes, Paleo pizza, Paleo fudge or Paleo ice cream. Don’t try to replicate junk food during your Whole30 program! That misses the point of the program entirely.
* * * * * *
One more to add to the above - if you have to ask if it's paleo, it probably isn't.
I don't want you to be a slave to the scale. If you'd like, weigh yourself today (or tomorrow AM) and take some basic measurements - bust/chest, hips, thighs - then hide the scale and measurements until November 23rd, when the challenge ends at 11:59pm. Another thing I'd like you to do is try on a pair of jeans or a top that might be a little snug. Get see how they fit, then put them back in the drawer until the end of the challenge.
Now the above might list a bunch of negative things about eating paleo, but there's a lot of GOOD things you can still eat.
Check out the FAQ section on Robb Wolf's website. He has a lot of great links and guides to get you started.
I'll be keeping this blog up to date as we go along, but go back and read the previous posts and check out the video of my paleo fridge/kitchen. Things have changed slightly since I first filmed that, but I still keep it pretty well stocked with protein and fresh veggies and healthy fats.
So keep your meals that simple - a protein, veggie, and a healthy fat - try to keep your daily life simple and low stress, get at least 8 hrs of sleep each night, and stay hydrated. There is a link to some recipes on this blog, so check those out if you need ideas. I'll update that with new recipes I've tried, and send me what you've made (and approve) and I'll include your recipes as well. We're in this together, so let's use each other for support.
... Here’s what NOT to eat during the duration of your Whole30 program. Omitting all of these foods and beverages will help you regain your healthy metabolism, reduce systemic inflammation, and help you discover how these foods are truly impacting your health, fitness and quality of life.
- Do not consume added sugar of any kind, real or artificial. No maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, Splenda, Equal, Nutrasweet, xylitol, stevia, etc. Read your labels (and your Success Guide FAQ), because companies sneak sugar into products in ways you might not recognize.
- Do not eat processed foods. This includes protein shakes, pre-packaged snacks or meals, protein bars, milk substitutes, etc.
- Do not consume alcohol, in any form. (And it should go without saying, but no tobacco products of any sort, either.)
- Do not eat grains. This includes (but is not limited to) wheat, rye, barley, millet, oats, corn, rice, sprouted grains and all of those gluten-free pseudo-grains like quinoa. Yes, we said corn… for the purposes of this program, corn is a grain! This also includes all the ways we add wheat, corn and rice into our foods in the form of bran, germ, starch and so on. Again, read your labels.
- Do not eat legumes. This includes beans of all kinds (black, kidney, lima, etc.), peas, lentils, and peanuts. No peanut butter, either. This also includes all forms of soy – soy sauce, miso, tofu, tempeh, edamame, tamari and all the ways we sneak soy into foods (like lecithin).
- Do not eat dairy. This includes cow, goat or sheep’s milk products such as cream, cheese (hard or soft), kefir, yogurt (even Greek), and sour cream… (NEW!) with the exception of clarified butter or ghee. (See below for details.)
Do not eat white potatoes. They are carbohydrate/calorie-dense and nutrient poor, and you’ve got an excellent, nutrient-dense option in sweet potatoes or yams. (refer to your Success Guide FAQ for details).
- Most importantly… do not try to shove your old, unhealthy diet into a shiny new Whole30 mold. This means no "Paleo-fying" desserts or junk food – no Paleo pancakes, Paleo pizza, Paleo fudge or Paleo ice cream. Don’t try to replicate junk food during your Whole30 program! That misses the point of the program entirely.
* * * * * *
One more to add to the above - if you have to ask if it's paleo, it probably isn't.
I don't want you to be a slave to the scale. If you'd like, weigh yourself today (or tomorrow AM) and take some basic measurements - bust/chest, hips, thighs - then hide the scale and measurements until November 23rd, when the challenge ends at 11:59pm. Another thing I'd like you to do is try on a pair of jeans or a top that might be a little snug. Get see how they fit, then put them back in the drawer until the end of the challenge.
Now the above might list a bunch of negative things about eating paleo, but there's a lot of GOOD things you can still eat.
Check out the FAQ section on Robb Wolf's website. He has a lot of great links and guides to get you started.
I'll be keeping this blog up to date as we go along, but go back and read the previous posts and check out the video of my paleo fridge/kitchen. Things have changed slightly since I first filmed that, but I still keep it pretty well stocked with protein and fresh veggies and healthy fats.
So keep your meals that simple - a protein, veggie, and a healthy fat - try to keep your daily life simple and low stress, get at least 8 hrs of sleep each night, and stay hydrated. There is a link to some recipes on this blog, so check those out if you need ideas. I'll update that with new recipes I've tried, and send me what you've made (and approve) and I'll include your recipes as well. We're in this together, so let's use each other for support.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Paleo success story
As I alluded to in the previous post, I took a leap of faith with this challenge - not knowing if it would succeed by the definition of "losing 5% bodyfat and normalized cholesterol numbers in 30 days" as what seems to happen with most people who do paleo challenges. We followed the Whole30 template but added penalties if anyone ate grains, legumes, processed foods, alcohol, etc. To some it seemed overwhelming to change SO MUCH, but those who took on the challenge were open minded and jumped in feet first with me.
I had an athlete - Myra - who struggled early. At the start of the challenge I gave the okay to Lara bars as snacks in an emergency, which she interpreted to half a box of Lara bars when hungry. This was usually chased with a handful.. and another handful.. and another, then half the bag of almonds were mysteriously gone. She did well the first week, but the next few were rough. We communicated a lot via email and I checked out her food log of a couple weeks to see the documentation of the Larabar/almond binges. We talked about her living/shopping situation (boyfriend not paleo and could live on Lucky Charms and Pringles *which I've tried - delicious! *sigh*), foods she liked/disliked, and what new foods to try. She was eating a lot of chicken and veggies, but light meals (in calories/nutrients/fat) early and mid day led to the late day binges. Slowly got her onto avocados, coconut milk, and protein other than chicken breasts and she started feeling better. I think a direct quote is "1,000% better".
One thing I couldn't get her to do is eat whole eggs instead of liquid eggs due to a history (and fear) of high cholesterol in her family. She was able to kick the Larabar and almonds habit so I gave her a break. And what also helped was being more strict. She'd done a challenge before at another box that was pretty lax with the instructions, delivery, and follow up and didn't see much success. A draw with ours was the penalties, but that just led to substituting something not allowed (ex. Snickers) with something that was allowed (Lara bars), and going overboard. So I put her on Zone (10C, 12P, 35F). I wouldn't (and didn't) suggest this for anyone else, but she has done challenges before and I felt she needed more guidance and more structure and would be able to follow it without getting too OCD.
She wasn't able to attend the pot luck, but I received an email from her the Monday after with !!!!!!! as the subject line. I couldn't tell if she was yelling at me or excited until I opened and read the email with the following results.
Weight - 141.6 -> 132.6 (down 9 lbs)
She's a runner and injured her foot and hasn't been able to keep up with her normal running routine, so this weight loss (mostly in the last 3-4 weeks) was after going from 20-30 miles a week to 0-3 miles.
Additionally, she had some some blood work done and had these results to share comparing her lipid profiles from 2009 to 2011:
Cholesterol - 222 --> 217 (<200)
HDL - 71 --> 105 (>40)
Chol, non HDL - 151 --> 112 (<150)
Triglyceride - 82 --> 30
LDL - 135 --> 106
I would say it's better represented in interpretive dance, but all I have is a graph.

In summary -
Overall cholesterol DOWN (5)
HDL (good!) UP (34)
Non HDL, chol DOWN (39)
Triglyceride DOWN (52)
LDL (bad!) DOWN (29)
This is from eliminating grains/dairy/gluten/legumes/added sugar, and eating red meat, chicken, fish, nuts, avocados, and almost a can of full-fat coconut milk a day. Oh, and her doctor suggested she eat a diet low in fat to get her total cholesterol number down.
I know results vary from person to person and things might've been different if she ate whole eggs, but that's left to speculation and for her to (maybe) try during another challenge. In the meantime, I know she's happy with these results.
Here's Myra on her way to a deadlift PR. Congrats on all your success!
I had an athlete - Myra - who struggled early. At the start of the challenge I gave the okay to Lara bars as snacks in an emergency, which she interpreted to half a box of Lara bars when hungry. This was usually chased with a handful.. and another handful.. and another, then half the bag of almonds were mysteriously gone. She did well the first week, but the next few were rough. We communicated a lot via email and I checked out her food log of a couple weeks to see the documentation of the Larabar/almond binges. We talked about her living/shopping situation (boyfriend not paleo and could live on Lucky Charms and Pringles *which I've tried - delicious! *sigh*), foods she liked/disliked, and what new foods to try. She was eating a lot of chicken and veggies, but light meals (in calories/nutrients/fat) early and mid day led to the late day binges. Slowly got her onto avocados, coconut milk, and protein other than chicken breasts and she started feeling better. I think a direct quote is "1,000% better".
One thing I couldn't get her to do is eat whole eggs instead of liquid eggs due to a history (and fear) of high cholesterol in her family. She was able to kick the Larabar and almonds habit so I gave her a break. And what also helped was being more strict. She'd done a challenge before at another box that was pretty lax with the instructions, delivery, and follow up and didn't see much success. A draw with ours was the penalties, but that just led to substituting something not allowed (ex. Snickers) with something that was allowed (Lara bars), and going overboard. So I put her on Zone (10C, 12P, 35F). I wouldn't (and didn't) suggest this for anyone else, but she has done challenges before and I felt she needed more guidance and more structure and would be able to follow it without getting too OCD.
She wasn't able to attend the pot luck, but I received an email from her the Monday after with !!!!!!! as the subject line. I couldn't tell if she was yelling at me or excited until I opened and read the email with the following results.
Weight - 141.6 -> 132.6 (down 9 lbs)
She's a runner and injured her foot and hasn't been able to keep up with her normal running routine, so this weight loss (mostly in the last 3-4 weeks) was after going from 20-30 miles a week to 0-3 miles.
Additionally, she had some some blood work done and had these results to share comparing her lipid profiles from 2009 to 2011:
Cholesterol - 222 --> 217 (<200)
HDL - 71 --> 105 (>40)
Chol, non HDL - 151 --> 112 (<150)
Triglyceride - 82 --> 30
LDL - 135 --> 106
I would say it's better represented in interpretive dance, but all I have is a graph.
In summary -
Overall cholesterol DOWN (5)
HDL (good!) UP (34)
Non HDL, chol DOWN (39)
Triglyceride DOWN (52)
LDL (bad!) DOWN (29)
This is from eliminating grains/dairy/gluten/legumes/added sugar, and eating red meat, chicken, fish, nuts, avocados, and almost a can of full-fat coconut milk a day. Oh, and her doctor suggested she eat a diet low in fat to get her total cholesterol number down.
I know results vary from person to person and things might've been different if she ate whole eggs, but that's left to speculation and for her to (maybe) try during another challenge. In the meantime, I know she's happy with these results.
Here's Myra on her way to a deadlift PR. Congrats on all your success!

Thursday, March 17, 2011
Paleo challenge wrap up - what we learned
It was back on January 24th, what seems like AGES ago, that a few members of CrossFit Capitol Hill started this 7 week paleo challenge. The week before they nervously looked over the document I passed out that outlined the program - allowable foods (meats, veggies, healthy fats, some nuts and seeds, some fruit, no processed food/sugar) as well as the penalties for eating sugar (100 burpees), legumes (150 lunges), dairy (100 push ups), grains (200 sit ups), alcohol (25 4-count flutter kicks for every 2oz), and processed food (100 squats). Many took the document - curious of the challenge - but ultimately decided there was "no way" they could give up X for seven weeks. Some might've said "no effing way", but I digress.
There were five hearty souls that joined me on the challenge that seemed like it would never end!! Those first few weeks were tough with a lot of questions or text messages (while at the grocery store) asking if X was allowed. I started the blog early on to help field some questions about calcium, fat (so much!), and to host a link to some paleo approved recipes to keep us sane. I also posted a video of my kitchen so they could see what it looked like for me to be paleo. And, yes, I owned up to having some non-paleo foods on hand.
Throughout the challenge I would ask them at CrossFit how they were feeling. In addition to changing how they were eating I wanted them to keep track of stress levels (low, med, high), do mobility work, get at least 8+ hours of sleep, and take fish oil. The challenge wasn't just about eating, but overall health. Early feedback was that they were feeling good. There was a mix of occupations, but even if school or working late kept them from getting at least 6 hours of sleep, they were feeling well rested and not dragging all day.
One vice for many was the addiction to nuts and nutbutters. Everyone had different goals (some weight loss), so they switched to using coconut oil for cooking and adding avocados or guacamole to meals. General consensus was it made a HUGE difference. They couldn't trust themselves to just a handful of nuts, so getting it out of the house and switching to a different fat source made the difference.
It's amazing how quickly the 7 weeks went by. We ended with a paleo pot luck and dined on the bacon explosion (paleo bbq sauce), baked chicken, pad thai, sweet potato cubes, stuffed cabbage, veggies and guac, fruit, and ended with some primal pumpkin pie and coconut butter bark. No one left hungry, that's for sure!
We talked about the ups/downs of the challenge and if they noticed any changes. I think the big eye opener for everyone was how much extra (sugar, soy, wheat, etc) is added to foods. They started to read labels for ingredients as well as where the food came from. Additionally, they did notice some weight loss (I didn't make a big deal about the scale), but said clothes were feeling and fitting better. Sleep had improved, and if they weren't getting at least 8 hours, they were feeling well rested and not groggy during the day. It was also a chance to try new foods and different recipes. And even if it took awhile, the normal sugar cravings and hunger pangs were gone.
I think the addition of the blog and recipe page was a big help so we could talk on the fly about what worked/what didn't and what recipes we recommended. I will keep it going add recipes and posts from time to time. At this point, some people have gone off the challenge for a few cheat meals or treats, but most have said they will go back to it at least 80/20. And the decision was made post-cheat when I heard rumblings of "not feeling well" after the meal. Hmm...
I'd like to thank everyone who participated. It was a huge leap of faith for our first go at it, and even if we didn't have huge results or epic weight loss stories from everyone, I think it was still a success. We learned more about ourselves and our addiction to certain foods, and became more knowledgeable about what we eat. Now go educate others!!
Next post will be about a BIG success story from one of the participants - stay tuned! You don't want to miss it!
There were five hearty souls that joined me on the challenge that seemed like it would never end!! Those first few weeks were tough with a lot of questions or text messages (while at the grocery store) asking if X was allowed. I started the blog early on to help field some questions about calcium, fat (so much!), and to host a link to some paleo approved recipes to keep us sane. I also posted a video of my kitchen so they could see what it looked like for me to be paleo. And, yes, I owned up to having some non-paleo foods on hand.
Throughout the challenge I would ask them at CrossFit how they were feeling. In addition to changing how they were eating I wanted them to keep track of stress levels (low, med, high), do mobility work, get at least 8+ hours of sleep, and take fish oil. The challenge wasn't just about eating, but overall health. Early feedback was that they were feeling good. There was a mix of occupations, but even if school or working late kept them from getting at least 6 hours of sleep, they were feeling well rested and not dragging all day.
One vice for many was the addiction to nuts and nutbutters. Everyone had different goals (some weight loss), so they switched to using coconut oil for cooking and adding avocados or guacamole to meals. General consensus was it made a HUGE difference. They couldn't trust themselves to just a handful of nuts, so getting it out of the house and switching to a different fat source made the difference.
It's amazing how quickly the 7 weeks went by. We ended with a paleo pot luck and dined on the bacon explosion (paleo bbq sauce), baked chicken, pad thai, sweet potato cubes, stuffed cabbage, veggies and guac, fruit, and ended with some primal pumpkin pie and coconut butter bark. No one left hungry, that's for sure!
We talked about the ups/downs of the challenge and if they noticed any changes. I think the big eye opener for everyone was how much extra (sugar, soy, wheat, etc) is added to foods. They started to read labels for ingredients as well as where the food came from. Additionally, they did notice some weight loss (I didn't make a big deal about the scale), but said clothes were feeling and fitting better. Sleep had improved, and if they weren't getting at least 8 hours, they were feeling well rested and not groggy during the day. It was also a chance to try new foods and different recipes. And even if it took awhile, the normal sugar cravings and hunger pangs were gone.
I think the addition of the blog and recipe page was a big help so we could talk on the fly about what worked/what didn't and what recipes we recommended. I will keep it going add recipes and posts from time to time. At this point, some people have gone off the challenge for a few cheat meals or treats, but most have said they will go back to it at least 80/20. And the decision was made post-cheat when I heard rumblings of "not feeling well" after the meal. Hmm...
I'd like to thank everyone who participated. It was a huge leap of faith for our first go at it, and even if we didn't have huge results or epic weight loss stories from everyone, I think it was still a success. We learned more about ourselves and our addiction to certain foods, and became more knowledgeable about what we eat. Now go educate others!!
Next post will be about a BIG success story from one of the participants - stay tuned! You don't want to miss it!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Farmers markets and CSA's
It's about that time to start thinking about spring, summer, and fall veggies. Even though we have the wonders of freezing and refrigeration, food tastes best when you buy it locally and in season. Sure, blueberries are delicious in the wintertime (or anytime!), but their typical growing season is mid-May to September. This time of year, they're probably coming from somewhere in South America.
We're using these 7 weeks to be more mindful about what we eat - whole foods, no sugar, real ingredients - but where is the food coming from? One thing you should think about is joining a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). A CSA is "a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. Here are the basics: a farmer offers a certain number of "shares" to the public. Typically the share consists of a box of vegetables, but other farm products may be included. Interested consumers purchase a share (aka a "membership" or a "subscription") and in return receive a box (bag, basket) of seasonal produce each week throughout the farming season."
Advantages for farmers:
- Get to spend time marketing the food early in the year, before their 16 hour days in the field begin
- Receive payment early in the season, which helps with the farm's cash flow
- Have an opportunity to get to know the people who eat the food they grow
Advantages for consumers:
- Eat ultra-fresh food, with all the flavor and vitamin benefits
- Get exposed to new vegetables and new ways of cooking
- Usually get to visit the farm at least once a season
- Find that kids typically favor food from "their" farm – even veggies they've never been known to eat
- Develop a relationship with the farmer who grows their food and learn more about how food is grown
Check out this article from The Washington Post about area farmers markets as well as Local Harvest for information about how a CSA works and how to choose a CSA. Aside from cost, there are a number of things to consider - location, pick up day/time, season, additional items (fruit, herbs, eggs, etc) with/without an additional cost, organic, conventionally grown, etc.
Make a pro/con list to help you decide which CSA will fit your budget and lifestyle. Is organic really better if it's coming from Chile when you can get a similar non-organic (but no pesticides) item from Maryland?
Check out the Five Reasons to Go Seasonal on the Whole9 website. Included is a link to a Seasonal Produce Guide to help you choose in-season items as well as items that would be a good choice to buy organic.
Remember - good, better, best. Does it fit your budget and way of life? Do you notice a difference in how you feel when you eat certain foods.
We're using these 7 weeks to be more mindful about what we eat - whole foods, no sugar, real ingredients - but where is the food coming from? One thing you should think about is joining a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). A CSA is "a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. Here are the basics: a farmer offers a certain number of "shares" to the public. Typically the share consists of a box of vegetables, but other farm products may be included. Interested consumers purchase a share (aka a "membership" or a "subscription") and in return receive a box (bag, basket) of seasonal produce each week throughout the farming season."
Advantages for farmers:
- Get to spend time marketing the food early in the year, before their 16 hour days in the field begin
- Receive payment early in the season, which helps with the farm's cash flow
- Have an opportunity to get to know the people who eat the food they grow
Advantages for consumers:
- Eat ultra-fresh food, with all the flavor and vitamin benefits
- Get exposed to new vegetables and new ways of cooking
- Usually get to visit the farm at least once a season
- Find that kids typically favor food from "their" farm – even veggies they've never been known to eat
- Develop a relationship with the farmer who grows their food and learn more about how food is grown
Check out this article from The Washington Post about area farmers markets as well as Local Harvest for information about how a CSA works and how to choose a CSA. Aside from cost, there are a number of things to consider - location, pick up day/time, season, additional items (fruit, herbs, eggs, etc) with/without an additional cost, organic, conventionally grown, etc.
Make a pro/con list to help you decide which CSA will fit your budget and lifestyle. Is organic really better if it's coming from Chile when you can get a similar non-organic (but no pesticides) item from Maryland?
Check out the Five Reasons to Go Seasonal on the Whole9 website. Included is a link to a Seasonal Produce Guide to help you choose in-season items as well as items that would be a good choice to buy organic.
Remember - good, better, best. Does it fit your budget and way of life? Do you notice a difference in how you feel when you eat certain foods.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
My paleo kitchen - video!
Can you spot the bad?
Here's a sneak peak into my kitchen. I'm working on a written description as well since I left out a few things (my oil cupboard!) and want to give a little more detail on what I buy, where I buy, what I cook, how often I cook, how messy my kitchen is, etc.
All in all, between two humans and a dog, 99% of our meals are cooked at home, and the cost to cook at home (Humans - 6 main meals; Dog - 2 meals) is about $4.00/meal. This doesn't include the occasional dog treat (1-2/day) or human snacks (2-3/day inc post workout).
Additionally, here's a link to a Google document with the information below the video as well as written description of what's in my kitchen.
Where I shop
- Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods Market, Harris Teeter, Eastern Market, Safeway (sometimes). From April – October I participate in a CSA (community supported agriculture) and get most of my seasonal veggies (local – from within a 150 mile radius) from the stand. Also get some meat (ground buffalo) and veggies from a weekly farmer’s market in Penn Quarter from April – December. The buffalo are grass fed and free of hormones, antibiotics, or other growth stimulants.
How often I shop
- Once a week.
That often?!
- Yes. Fresh veggies don’t have a long shelf life and we eat a lot
What I buy
- Meats (cow, chicken, pig, fish), veggies, healthy fats, spices. I try to vary the meat so I’m not eating the same cut or making the same recipe every week. I try to have a couple recipes in mind so one recipe can act both dinner and lunch for the next day, or a roasted chicken can be picked over for a couple days as 1-2oz snacks.
Non-paleo foods in the house
- Jams/jellies – Family orchard in Michigan and I love to support them whenever in MI
- Chocolate treats – my better half finished a 30 day challenge and treated herself to some chocolate coconut things. Cruel. Also a bar of dark chocolate and some hot cocoa powder.
- Nuts – technically paleo friendly, but that bag of cashews didn’t last long after filming. If I’m hungry I can do some damage.
- Alcohol – liquor and wine. A mixed drink or glass of wine is nice from time to time, but it’s not a temptation during the challenge.
- Grains – rice, quinoa, cornmeal. Taking up shelf space.
Stew for the dog?
- Yes. He (barking in the background at 7:25) eats real food, too. It’s a mix of chicken thighs, mushrooms, squash, spinach, sweet potatoes, spices, etc. Basically whatever is on hand or whatever food might be on its last leg that we don’t want to eat. It changes week to week and he’s not picky. If we have time this goes in the crockpot overnight, but if we’re short on time it’s cooked on the stove stir-fry style. This is mixed with some grain-free dry food and he LOVES it. Also started giving him fish oil and he licks his bowl clean.
Here's a sneak peak into my kitchen. I'm working on a written description as well since I left out a few things (my oil cupboard!) and want to give a little more detail on what I buy, where I buy, what I cook, how often I cook, how messy my kitchen is, etc.
All in all, between two humans and a dog, 99% of our meals are cooked at home, and the cost to cook at home (Humans - 6 main meals; Dog - 2 meals) is about $4.00/meal. This doesn't include the occasional dog treat (1-2/day) or human snacks (2-3/day inc post workout).
Additionally, here's a link to a Google document with the information below the video as well as written description of what's in my kitchen.
Where I shop
- Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods Market, Harris Teeter, Eastern Market, Safeway (sometimes). From April – October I participate in a CSA (community supported agriculture) and get most of my seasonal veggies (local – from within a 150 mile radius) from the stand. Also get some meat (ground buffalo) and veggies from a weekly farmer’s market in Penn Quarter from April – December. The buffalo are grass fed and free of hormones, antibiotics, or other growth stimulants.
How often I shop
- Once a week.
That often?!
- Yes. Fresh veggies don’t have a long shelf life and we eat a lot
What I buy
- Meats (cow, chicken, pig, fish), veggies, healthy fats, spices. I try to vary the meat so I’m not eating the same cut or making the same recipe every week. I try to have a couple recipes in mind so one recipe can act both dinner and lunch for the next day, or a roasted chicken can be picked over for a couple days as 1-2oz snacks.
Non-paleo foods in the house
- Jams/jellies – Family orchard in Michigan and I love to support them whenever in MI
- Chocolate treats – my better half finished a 30 day challenge and treated herself to some chocolate coconut things. Cruel. Also a bar of dark chocolate and some hot cocoa powder.
- Nuts – technically paleo friendly, but that bag of cashews didn’t last long after filming. If I’m hungry I can do some damage.
- Alcohol – liquor and wine. A mixed drink or glass of wine is nice from time to time, but it’s not a temptation during the challenge.
- Grains – rice, quinoa, cornmeal. Taking up shelf space.
Stew for the dog?
- Yes. He (barking in the background at 7:25) eats real food, too. It’s a mix of chicken thighs, mushrooms, squash, spinach, sweet potatoes, spices, etc. Basically whatever is on hand or whatever food might be on its last leg that we don’t want to eat. It changes week to week and he’s not picky. If we have time this goes in the crockpot overnight, but if we’re short on time it’s cooked on the stove stir-fry style. This is mixed with some grain-free dry food and he LOVES it. Also started giving him fish oil and he licks his bowl clean.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Pot luck dates
I'd like to have a paleo pot luck the week of March 7th to celebrate - not an end to the challenge, but to new life!
Before everyone goes off and adds beans to their turkey chili, cheese and buns to their hamburgers, and devours the entire case of Ben and Jerry's ice cream at Safeway, I'd like us to share and enjoy some food (paleo and paleo-fied) we made during the challenge, and discuss 'next steps'. If you don't think you can stick to eating paleo 100%, we can talk about what changes you can make to continue a modified paleo lifestyle, how to gradually add the 'banned' foods back into your daily eating routine, and how to look out for warning signs of "gut irritation" that you might not have noticed before.
Here's an example from last night. After completing the Whole 30 a few days ago, which is what I've modeled our challenge from, my girlfriend went and "enjoyed" a Milky Way milkshake from Good Stuff Eatery. Now, those things are very delicious, but if you've been away from sugar and milk and whatever other yummy goodness is in those things, you might be doing some heavy overloading to you digestive system. Needless to say, there was a serious belly ache afterwards, some late night Rolaids, and a 'quick trip' to the bathroom at some point today. I won't get into details about that (and I don't fully know them, and DO NOT want to know them in ANY sort of detail), so I will leave it at that. Let this be a warning!
It'll probably be a small gathering at my place, but I was thinking Saturday late afternoon. Other possible nights are Wednesday and Friday.
Let me know what works for you so we can try to get as many people together as possible.
Before everyone goes off and adds beans to their turkey chili, cheese and buns to their hamburgers, and devours the entire case of Ben and Jerry's ice cream at Safeway, I'd like us to share and enjoy some food (paleo and paleo-fied) we made during the challenge, and discuss 'next steps'. If you don't think you can stick to eating paleo 100%, we can talk about what changes you can make to continue a modified paleo lifestyle, how to gradually add the 'banned' foods back into your daily eating routine, and how to look out for warning signs of "gut irritation" that you might not have noticed before.
Here's an example from last night. After completing the Whole 30 a few days ago, which is what I've modeled our challenge from, my girlfriend went and "enjoyed" a Milky Way milkshake from Good Stuff Eatery. Now, those things are very delicious, but if you've been away from sugar and milk and whatever other yummy goodness is in those things, you might be doing some heavy overloading to you digestive system. Needless to say, there was a serious belly ache afterwards, some late night Rolaids, and a 'quick trip' to the bathroom at some point today. I won't get into details about that (and I don't fully know them, and DO NOT want to know them in ANY sort of detail), so I will leave it at that. Let this be a warning!
It'll probably be a small gathering at my place, but I was thinking Saturday late afternoon. Other possible nights are Wednesday and Friday.
Let me know what works for you so we can try to get as many people together as possible.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Peeking into my lunch bag
I pack a lunch 99% of the time during the work week. If I have nothing in the fridge or no time to cook up some chicken tenderloins before work, I'll go to Chop't and get a big ol' salad. Here's a look into my lunch bag.

Top left - Breakfast. Sometimes I'll pack it and take it with if I workout in the morning or am running late. Includes 3 whole eggs, 7 good size grape tomatoes, small onion, 5 baby zucchini chopped up, half a red pepper. Cooked in olive oil and topped with some basil and crushed red pepper flakes. Underneath are two strips of bacon. I usually have half an avocado this, but the EVOO it was cooked in is plenty for today.
Top right - Snacks. There are 6 baby zucchini in the bag (six were used in breakfast), a whole red pepper, small container of turkey breast (~2oz), and a vat of guacamole under the bag of peppers.
Bottom - Lunch - main course. Pork loin left over from dinner last night, and some brussels sprouts in balsamic vinegar with rosemary.
Bottom left - Lunch - appetizer. Salad. Contains about a cup of spinach, half a 'stalk' of romaine lettuce, a few grape tomatoes, maybe a 1/4c of sliced almonds, and about 1oz of turkey breast that was cooked up on Sunday.
Not pictured is my Nalgene bottle, a foil packet of tuna, and a bottle of olive oil that I keep at work. I try to drink at least 2 full bottles while at work, I keep the tuna just in case I'm hungry, and the EVOO is to add fat to anything I bring for lunch like a salad or veggies.
One thing I no longer keep in my drawer at work is a bag of almonds. It would not last a day or two. I'm trying to get away from constantly snacking, and it's too easy to do with almonds or other nuts.

Top left - Breakfast. Sometimes I'll pack it and take it with if I workout in the morning or am running late. Includes 3 whole eggs, 7 good size grape tomatoes, small onion, 5 baby zucchini chopped up, half a red pepper. Cooked in olive oil and topped with some basil and crushed red pepper flakes. Underneath are two strips of bacon. I usually have half an avocado this, but the EVOO it was cooked in is plenty for today.
Top right - Snacks. There are 6 baby zucchini in the bag (six were used in breakfast), a whole red pepper, small container of turkey breast (~2oz), and a vat of guacamole under the bag of peppers.
Bottom - Lunch - main course. Pork loin left over from dinner last night, and some brussels sprouts in balsamic vinegar with rosemary.
Bottom left - Lunch - appetizer. Salad. Contains about a cup of spinach, half a 'stalk' of romaine lettuce, a few grape tomatoes, maybe a 1/4c of sliced almonds, and about 1oz of turkey breast that was cooked up on Sunday.
Not pictured is my Nalgene bottle, a foil packet of tuna, and a bottle of olive oil that I keep at work. I try to drink at least 2 full bottles while at work, I keep the tuna just in case I'm hungry, and the EVOO is to add fat to anything I bring for lunch like a salad or veggies.
One thing I no longer keep in my drawer at work is a bag of almonds. It would not last a day or two. I'm trying to get away from constantly snacking, and it's too easy to do with almonds or other nuts.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Check out the blogroll and recipes (reviewed!)
If you haven't already, take a look at some of the websites I have linked on the right side of the blog. I'm not just posting random blogs that might have the word 'paleo' in them, but ones that I check out frequently, have good recipes, and have useful information.
For recipes, I go to The Foodee Project, Everyday Paleo, Health-Bent, and Jen's Gone Paleo.
For information, I go to Mark's Daily Apple, Robb Wolf (good podcast every Tues), and the Whole 9.
If you have a favorite that isn't listed, let me know and I'll include it. It's a great way to centralize the 'good' so you're not wandering around the internet.
Additionally, check out the recipe link to the right. Sure, there might only be a few recipes, but I've added recipes people have made, recipes that I like (and make often), and recipes that look good that I'm hoping you will try out.
If you're not sure about trying them out, here's my analysis on the ones that I've made.
- Breakfast Sausages- Doubled the recipe and used both 1lb each of the ground turkey and pork. Made w/o spice sage and it was a little too heavy on the thyme. Maybe the sage would've washed it out a little, but will make sure to use sage next time and/or cut back on the thyme. Don't flip them too early and get them nice and golden brown on both sides. Store in a container in the fridge and reheat in the microwave or in a skillet. Good taste to them.
- Scrambled Eggs and Veggies - My staple just about every morning. I usually have half a pepper (red or green), whole squash (yellow or green), half an onion, a few grape tomatoes, and spices (basil or just 21 seasoning salute from TJ). A little EVOO in a skillet, add onions and then rest of veggies, then crack the eggs into the skillet and mix until cooked. Can use the hot pan to warm up the sausage patten when done w/ the eggs.
- Roasted chicken - Usually make this every week or every other week. It's super easy, but watch out for grease splatter; make sure the bird is nice and dry. Nice to have easy access to meat for lunches, salads, snack, etc.
- Butter chicken - I've made a version of this, but this recipe is very similar. The spices are a tad different, but the great thing about a recipe like this is that you use what's listed as a guide and adjust to what you have on hand and what you like.
- Spaghetti and meatballs - So easy and sooo good. I'm sure you could also make it with shrimp, but I've never tried that. Get a good size squash, maybe double the meat, and you'll have plenty of leftovers. Dried basil works well, too, but try it with fresh basil if you can get it.
- "Everything" Stew - I made this the other night and it worked well. I threw in what I had in the fridge and just guessed on the spices and it worked out nicely. A lot of times stews are 'trial and error' so make one that's your "own".
- Meatloaf - I like his music, too. I've made this a couple times and every time has been different - different combination of meat, different spices, and in the crock pot. Yes, the crock pot. The stove was smoking and everything was mixed, so I found some instructions online and followed it, and it turned out great. And all the times I've made it I save it to eat the next day. For some reason it tastes better chilled/reheated.
**Combine w/ the cauliflower mash.
- Pork loin - Even non-paleo Betsy can attest to the deliciousness of this recipe, or she was lying and being nice. I'm not a fan of mustard but liked this recipe. A must to use the fresh spices instead of dried.
-Lime Crusted Mahi Mahi - I'm making this tonight (assuming the stove won't smoke again), so I'll let you know how it turns out.
**Here's my review. "holy cow that's a lot of cumin!" My mouth was on fire and I had to drink coconut milk to douse the fire. Whew! I had a sweat 'stache and goatee going on. I still enjoyed it and ate everything, but had to chase each bite with a bite of acorn squash. Next time I might thin it out a tad more (even though it's a 'paste') or not spread it on as think. The mahi mahi was a great, mild fish. I'm looking for other recipes to make with it. It was easy to thaw (in the fridge all day) and took a total of 10 minutes under a low broiler.
- Cauliflower mash - Many variations of this recipe. I've made one that uses turmeric and EVOO (no coconut milk). A good side for any meat.
- Sweet potato rounds - I made these over the weekend (pictured in a previous post), and they turned out okay. Only seasoned one side a second time after putting them on the parchment paper, and sliced them a little too thin. And they only took 30 min, so check on them depending on the thin/thickness. Next time I'll slice them a little thicker and be sure to season both sides. I might try flipping them half way through.
(And if you've made (or made and submitted) a recipe, give me a short review I can include here so others have and idea of how it turned out and what changes they could/should make.)
So there is PLENTY you can make so you won't 1.) snack all day, 2.) starve to death.
Also, I'm planning to have a paleo potluck (location, time TBD) near the end of the challenge so we can share our recipes, maybe make some paleo-fied treats (pumpkin pie, 'meat candy', etc), and discuss ups and downs of the challenge. This would include changes to the program, how to adapt it to your everyday lifestyle, slowly adding back in 'bad' foods, etc.
And the video (and transcript) I said I'd be posting will be delayed until the weekend. I need to do a reshoot. Hold tight!
For recipes, I go to The Foodee Project, Everyday Paleo, Health-Bent, and Jen's Gone Paleo.
For information, I go to Mark's Daily Apple, Robb Wolf (good podcast every Tues), and the Whole 9.
If you have a favorite that isn't listed, let me know and I'll include it. It's a great way to centralize the 'good' so you're not wandering around the internet.
Additionally, check out the recipe link to the right. Sure, there might only be a few recipes, but I've added recipes people have made, recipes that I like (and make often), and recipes that look good that I'm hoping you will try out.
If you're not sure about trying them out, here's my analysis on the ones that I've made.
- Breakfast Sausages- Doubled the recipe and used both 1lb each of the ground turkey and pork. Made w/o spice sage and it was a little too heavy on the thyme. Maybe the sage would've washed it out a little, but will make sure to use sage next time and/or cut back on the thyme. Don't flip them too early and get them nice and golden brown on both sides. Store in a container in the fridge and reheat in the microwave or in a skillet. Good taste to them.
- Scrambled Eggs and Veggies - My staple just about every morning. I usually have half a pepper (red or green), whole squash (yellow or green), half an onion, a few grape tomatoes, and spices (basil or just 21 seasoning salute from TJ). A little EVOO in a skillet, add onions and then rest of veggies, then crack the eggs into the skillet and mix until cooked. Can use the hot pan to warm up the sausage patten when done w/ the eggs.
- Roasted chicken - Usually make this every week or every other week. It's super easy, but watch out for grease splatter; make sure the bird is nice and dry. Nice to have easy access to meat for lunches, salads, snack, etc.
- Butter chicken - I've made a version of this, but this recipe is very similar. The spices are a tad different, but the great thing about a recipe like this is that you use what's listed as a guide and adjust to what you have on hand and what you like.
- Spaghetti and meatballs - So easy and sooo good. I'm sure you could also make it with shrimp, but I've never tried that. Get a good size squash, maybe double the meat, and you'll have plenty of leftovers. Dried basil works well, too, but try it with fresh basil if you can get it.
- "Everything" Stew - I made this the other night and it worked well. I threw in what I had in the fridge and just guessed on the spices and it worked out nicely. A lot of times stews are 'trial and error' so make one that's your "own".
- Meatloaf - I like his music, too. I've made this a couple times and every time has been different - different combination of meat, different spices, and in the crock pot. Yes, the crock pot. The stove was smoking and everything was mixed, so I found some instructions online and followed it, and it turned out great. And all the times I've made it I save it to eat the next day. For some reason it tastes better chilled/reheated.
**Combine w/ the cauliflower mash.
- Pork loin - Even non-paleo Betsy can attest to the deliciousness of this recipe, or she was lying and being nice. I'm not a fan of mustard but liked this recipe. A must to use the fresh spices instead of dried.
-Lime Crusted Mahi Mahi - I'm making this tonight (assuming the stove won't smoke again), so I'll let you know how it turns out.
**Here's my review. "holy cow that's a lot of cumin!" My mouth was on fire and I had to drink coconut milk to douse the fire. Whew! I had a sweat 'stache and goatee going on. I still enjoyed it and ate everything, but had to chase each bite with a bite of acorn squash. Next time I might thin it out a tad more (even though it's a 'paste') or not spread it on as think. The mahi mahi was a great, mild fish. I'm looking for other recipes to make with it. It was easy to thaw (in the fridge all day) and took a total of 10 minutes under a low broiler.
- Cauliflower mash - Many variations of this recipe. I've made one that uses turmeric and EVOO (no coconut milk). A good side for any meat.
- Sweet potato rounds - I made these over the weekend (pictured in a previous post), and they turned out okay. Only seasoned one side a second time after putting them on the parchment paper, and sliced them a little too thin. And they only took 30 min, so check on them depending on the thin/thickness. Next time I'll slice them a little thicker and be sure to season both sides. I might try flipping them half way through.
(And if you've made (or made and submitted) a recipe, give me a short review I can include here so others have and idea of how it turned out and what changes they could/should make.)
So there is PLENTY you can make so you won't 1.) snack all day, 2.) starve to death.
Also, I'm planning to have a paleo potluck (location, time TBD) near the end of the challenge so we can share our recipes, maybe make some paleo-fied treats (pumpkin pie, 'meat candy', etc), and discuss ups and downs of the challenge. This would include changes to the program, how to adapt it to your everyday lifestyle, slowly adding back in 'bad' foods, etc.
And the video (and transcript) I said I'd be posting will be delayed until the weekend. I need to do a reshoot. Hold tight!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Have your bacon and eat it too.
But this doesn't mean you can go hog wild! (yaaa! puns!)
When was the last time you heard or read about grass fed pigs? I'm waiting...
Been awhile? Ever? Probably not. Pigs are.. well, pigs, and eat just about anything - corn and soy included. So if we're limiting (nixing) the corn and soy we eat, we should probably be wary of what our food is eating.
So if you gave up bacon for the challenge, you can start eating it again.
Use what you've learned these first few weeks about reading labels and being aware of what's in the food you eat. Bacon DOES include some sugar in the curing process, so there will be sugar listed in the ingredients and possibly on the nutrition label as well. The *best* bacon I've seen so far is by Applegate Farms. I haven't tried it yet so I can't vouch for the taste, but what draws me to it is the lack of sugar in the nutritional label, it's from antibiotic free pork, and it's free of nitrites and preservatives. So if you can't find something that doesn't include sugar, look for something that is uncured, free of hormones, free of nitrates/nitrites, and free of preservatives. You can still find something delicious to eat, but don't go crazy.
Enjoy that bacon wrapped chicken breast, bacon wrapped scallops, bacon and brussels sprouts, or bacon explosion
PS - I will be enjoying a bacon explosion post-challenge.
When was the last time you heard or read about grass fed pigs? I'm waiting...
Been awhile? Ever? Probably not. Pigs are.. well, pigs, and eat just about anything - corn and soy included. So if we're limiting (nixing) the corn and soy we eat, we should probably be wary of what our food is eating.
So if you gave up bacon for the challenge, you can start eating it again.
Use what you've learned these first few weeks about reading labels and being aware of what's in the food you eat. Bacon DOES include some sugar in the curing process, so there will be sugar listed in the ingredients and possibly on the nutrition label as well. The *best* bacon I've seen so far is by Applegate Farms. I haven't tried it yet so I can't vouch for the taste, but what draws me to it is the lack of sugar in the nutritional label, it's from antibiotic free pork, and it's free of nitrites and preservatives. So if you can't find something that doesn't include sugar, look for something that is uncured, free of hormones, free of nitrates/nitrites, and free of preservatives. You can still find something delicious to eat, but don't go crazy.
Enjoy that bacon wrapped chicken breast, bacon wrapped scallops, bacon and brussels sprouts, or bacon explosion
PS - I will be enjoying a bacon explosion post-challenge.
Monday, February 7, 2011
How to fill your plate
I'm going to start this off by saying two words - EAT MORE.
You saw the pictures in my previous post of my Saturday breakfast and dinner, and I'm sure that is the equivalent of a day and a half worth of eating for some of you.
We've replaced grains and pasta with greens and other vegetables. And instead of 220 calories and 45g of carbs from 1c of cooked brown rice, we're trying to fill that 'calorie/carb deficit' with broccoli and kale. Sound impossible? It's not.
Remember, we're looking to remove sugar as our body's primary source of fuel, and start utilizing fat for fuel. Additionally, fat is not evil! Don't be afraid of full-fat coconut milk or a little extra dab of EVOO. It's not the 1990's and Snackwell's aren't on the shelves anymore (or are they??). We are eating real food... real, delicious food, that is full of vitamins and minerals and everything that is good for you. Nothing you are eating is bad. If we're going to use fat as fuel, you need to eat fat.
So now that that's out in the open, how do we eat to stay full?
1. Focus on the Big 3 - BLD (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
**But I've been told to eat every 2-3 hours to keep my blood sugar levels up and metabolism in check??
MYTH - What causes those up/down crashes throughout the day? Sugar! We're eliminating sugar so we shouldn't have those highs and lows throughout the day. Hungry? Snickers bar (bad); veggies and guac (better); tuna and avocado with celery (best).
2. Start each meal with your protein, preferably from an animal source.
- How much? Palm size, which is roughly 3-4oz. Hungry? Eat more.
3. Fill up on veggies
- How much? How much can you stomach to eat?? Use 3c as a baseline.
**Now think about that cup of rice at 220 cal and 45g carbs. The equivalent (1c) in broccoli would be 85 cal and 9g carb ---> 5 cups of broccoli. How hungry are you?? So I think 3 a good place to start, but if you're hungry, enjoy your veggies. Skip over veggies like celery and ice burg lettuce as they have little nutritional value compared to that of kale or brussels sprouts.
4. Fat!
- Here's where fat is good for you. Fat helps keep you satiated. It's that 'full' feeling so you're not eating every 2-3 hours.
- How much? Shoot for 1-2T for oils, butters; handful (closed!) for nuts/seeds; and up to a full avocado.
What does that look like?

**Drawing is for sale.
My usual breakfast looks like this - whole green pepper, 1/4c onion, small yellow squash, handful of grape tomatoes scrambled with 3 eggs and half an avocado with some spices. It fills my entire plate and *usually* holds me over until lunch at noon. I could probably go for another egg and a little more avocado, but on most days this is plenty.
The point of paleo is to get away from 'grazing' throughout the day; mindless eating. Your meals should be satisfying so you're able to go 4-5 hours without eating. Yes, I still snack from time to time, but I'm really trying to get away from it. On most days I workout after work, so I have a late afternoon snack that's more like a pre-workout meal to make sure I have a little fuel in the tank.
This is a long process, folks, which is why it's a 7 week challenge and not some 'get slim quick' scam. We're going to have ups and downs, hunger pangs, headaches, restless nights, etc, but it comes with the territory. It's what happens when change happens. This is a HUGE shock to they system and the body needs time to adjust. So give it time.
You may/may not know that your body really doesn't tolerate dairy products, or that acid reflux (gone?) was a result of eating rice everyday. We won't know until we remove that 'stressor' from our diet. After the challenge you can gradually add foods back in to see if there are any adverse affects (Yes? No?) and hopefully be able to stay paleo 80/20% of the time. And use your spreadsheet and add notes so you have something to reference if you're having a rough day.
I'm hoping to have a video posted tomorrow and will continue to add pictures to the blog so you can see (and critique) what I eat. Keep checking the Recipe documents as at one new recipe is posted every day.
You saw the pictures in my previous post of my Saturday breakfast and dinner, and I'm sure that is the equivalent of a day and a half worth of eating for some of you.
We've replaced grains and pasta with greens and other vegetables. And instead of 220 calories and 45g of carbs from 1c of cooked brown rice, we're trying to fill that 'calorie/carb deficit' with broccoli and kale. Sound impossible? It's not.
Remember, we're looking to remove sugar as our body's primary source of fuel, and start utilizing fat for fuel. Additionally, fat is not evil! Don't be afraid of full-fat coconut milk or a little extra dab of EVOO. It's not the 1990's and Snackwell's aren't on the shelves anymore (or are they??). We are eating real food... real, delicious food, that is full of vitamins and minerals and everything that is good for you. Nothing you are eating is bad. If we're going to use fat as fuel, you need to eat fat.
So now that that's out in the open, how do we eat to stay full?
1. Focus on the Big 3 - BLD (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
**But I've been told to eat every 2-3 hours to keep my blood sugar levels up and metabolism in check??
MYTH - What causes those up/down crashes throughout the day? Sugar! We're eliminating sugar so we shouldn't have those highs and lows throughout the day. Hungry? Snickers bar (bad); veggies and guac (better); tuna and avocado with celery (best).
2. Start each meal with your protein, preferably from an animal source.
- How much? Palm size, which is roughly 3-4oz. Hungry? Eat more.
3. Fill up on veggies
- How much? How much can you stomach to eat?? Use 3c as a baseline.
**Now think about that cup of rice at 220 cal and 45g carbs. The equivalent (1c) in broccoli would be 85 cal and 9g carb ---> 5 cups of broccoli. How hungry are you?? So I think 3 a good place to start, but if you're hungry, enjoy your veggies. Skip over veggies like celery and ice burg lettuce as they have little nutritional value compared to that of kale or brussels sprouts.
4. Fat!
- Here's where fat is good for you. Fat helps keep you satiated. It's that 'full' feeling so you're not eating every 2-3 hours.
- How much? Shoot for 1-2T for oils, butters; handful (closed!) for nuts/seeds; and up to a full avocado.
What does that look like?

**Drawing is for sale.
My usual breakfast looks like this - whole green pepper, 1/4c onion, small yellow squash, handful of grape tomatoes scrambled with 3 eggs and half an avocado with some spices. It fills my entire plate and *usually* holds me over until lunch at noon. I could probably go for another egg and a little more avocado, but on most days this is plenty.
The point of paleo is to get away from 'grazing' throughout the day; mindless eating. Your meals should be satisfying so you're able to go 4-5 hours without eating. Yes, I still snack from time to time, but I'm really trying to get away from it. On most days I workout after work, so I have a late afternoon snack that's more like a pre-workout meal to make sure I have a little fuel in the tank.
This is a long process, folks, which is why it's a 7 week challenge and not some 'get slim quick' scam. We're going to have ups and downs, hunger pangs, headaches, restless nights, etc, but it comes with the territory. It's what happens when change happens. This is a HUGE shock to they system and the body needs time to adjust. So give it time.
You may/may not know that your body really doesn't tolerate dairy products, or that acid reflux (gone?) was a result of eating rice everyday. We won't know until we remove that 'stressor' from our diet. After the challenge you can gradually add foods back in to see if there are any adverse affects (Yes? No?) and hopefully be able to stay paleo 80/20% of the time. And use your spreadsheet and add notes so you have something to reference if you're having a rough day.
I'm hoping to have a video posted tomorrow and will continue to add pictures to the blog so you can see (and critique) what I eat. Keep checking the Recipe documents as at one new recipe is posted every day.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
What's cooking?
I wanted to post a couple pictures showing what I ate today. It was a light day since I wasn't very hungry, I stayed busy, and I ate a couple big meals.
I slept in late and had 'brunch' at home.

Here we have about 5oz of steak that was broiled with some Everyday Seasoning (Trader Joe's) on it; a couple eggs scrambled with some mushrooms and black olives seasoned with onion and garlic powered and black pepper; and a side of broccoli sprayed with olive oil and topped with lemon pepper seasoning. (This is K's plate. The only difference between hers and mine is that I had about 6oz of steak and two eggs over hard. I don't like olives or mushrooms. Blech!)
And for dinner we had some 'sliders' (ground buffalo, onions, Adobo seasoning) with romaine, tomatoes, and avocado. On the side had some sweet potato rounds (recipe linked on the website)

Obviously this was a super light day of eating for me, but I just wasn't hungry and stayed well hydrated. I'm not going to make up for it tomorrow by eating more, but by staying on schedule and eating when I'm hungry.
I slept in late and had 'brunch' at home.
Here we have about 5oz of steak that was broiled with some Everyday Seasoning (Trader Joe's) on it; a couple eggs scrambled with some mushrooms and black olives seasoned with onion and garlic powered and black pepper; and a side of broccoli sprayed with olive oil and topped with lemon pepper seasoning. (This is K's plate. The only difference between hers and mine is that I had about 6oz of steak and two eggs over hard. I don't like olives or mushrooms. Blech!)
And for dinner we had some 'sliders' (ground buffalo, onions, Adobo seasoning) with romaine, tomatoes, and avocado. On the side had some sweet potato rounds (recipe linked on the website)
Obviously this was a super light day of eating for me, but I just wasn't hungry and stayed well hydrated. I'm not going to make up for it tomorrow by eating more, but by staying on schedule and eating when I'm hungry.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Self assessment - time to retool the tool shed?
We're coming up on the end of two weeks, and it sounds like folks are struggling.
- Tired of eggs
- Don't know what to eat for breakfast
- Fine during the day but starving at night
- Running out of ideas for snacks
- I miss bacon!
We're working to remove one vice (ya!) of bagels, blocks of cheese, muffins, coworkers candy jar, rice, and sheet cake, but replaced it with another vice (boo!) - jars of almond butter, bags of almonds, bags of baby carrots, or some type of dessert to satisfy our sweet tooth.
By doing that we're not making any gains. Remember, even though sugar might not be on the ingredients list on some products (almond butter, carrots, snap peas) - it's still in there!
Additionally, if you find yourself hitting the jar at nights end, do yourself a favor and get the jar out of the house. That isn't license to dive in knuckle deep! If you can't ration the nutty goodness, don't buy it anymore. And if you don't want to trash it, I can keep it in a lock box at my place. I have an open jar in the fridge but haven't hit it in a long time, so it's safe with me. I'm not going to assign penalties to nut butters, so you're on your own to police yourselves. However, if you have a goal to lose weight during this challenge, lay off the nuts and nut butters. Yes, they are a good source of fat, but just a smidgen on the tip of a spoon turns into half a jar in an instant and the next thing your know the jar looks like it just came out of a dishwasher, your spoon is bent, you've got a nut butter smile like Bozo painted on your face, and a belly like Norm from "Cheers". How did THAT happen?!?
So even though we're only 2 weeks into the challenge, let's use the weekend to take a look at our goals - are we losing weight, taking fish oil, getting enough sleep, eating enough protein, eating a variety of meats and veggies??
Go back to basics - meats and veggies, three square meals a day, stay hydrated, get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Your small meal post-workout (carb, protein, minimal fat) is a 'bonus' meal and it's not meant to replace your breakfast or dinner. It's a little something to help you recover faster and more efficiently. Cut back on snacking. If you find you need something to bridge the gap between the main meals, eat more at your main meals. I will venture to guess that you're not filling up on veggies. Not sure? Measure out 3 cups of cooked broccoli (or other favorite vegetable), drizzle it with EVOO, and have that with a side of meat. Full? Good.
And if you need to snack, make sure you have a protein and a fat. So you're on the right track with the almond butter, but add in a couple slices of turkey. Enjoy carrots and guac? That's cool, but get some roast beef in there, too. And that holds true for all meals and not just snacks - at least a protein and a fat.
Make sense? No? Quick lesson - when you eat the carrots and guac, you're ingesting sugar (carrot) and fat (guac). Your insulin is going up with the sugar, and you need the protein (from meat) to balance it out. The fat is there for energy. Remember, we're getting away from sugar as a fuel source and moving fat.
I have my vices, too, and my weakness is the Internet. Sounds creepy, but I need to get offline and get more zz's each night. I can also put away a bag of almonds or pistachios in no time, so I'm going to adjust things these next couple of weeks and really work on getting to bed at a decent hour. I'm also nixing nuts. I would like to lose some weight and a bag of almonds every 3 days isn't helping my waistline!
If you enjoy that paleo dessert before bed and you're looking to lose weight, maybe you should rethink that and go to bed a little hungry. I'm sure you'll be tired, headachy, and grouchy for a few days to a week, but it's your body going through sugar withdrawal again. You will survive!
I'm going to make some changes.. are you?
Email me recipes if you've got 'em. We're starting to get a small collection - some that people have tried and some I've found and thought looked good - so let me know what works/what doesn't, and I'll get your notes and ideas up there.
And keep an eye out on more posts and changes to come. Some good things in the works!
- Tired of eggs
- Don't know what to eat for breakfast
- Fine during the day but starving at night
- Running out of ideas for snacks
- I miss bacon!
We're working to remove one vice (ya!) of bagels, blocks of cheese, muffins, coworkers candy jar, rice, and sheet cake, but replaced it with another vice (boo!) - jars of almond butter, bags of almonds, bags of baby carrots, or some type of dessert to satisfy our sweet tooth.
By doing that we're not making any gains. Remember, even though sugar might not be on the ingredients list on some products (almond butter, carrots, snap peas) - it's still in there!
Additionally, if you find yourself hitting the jar at nights end, do yourself a favor and get the jar out of the house. That isn't license to dive in knuckle deep! If you can't ration the nutty goodness, don't buy it anymore. And if you don't want to trash it, I can keep it in a lock box at my place. I have an open jar in the fridge but haven't hit it in a long time, so it's safe with me. I'm not going to assign penalties to nut butters, so you're on your own to police yourselves. However, if you have a goal to lose weight during this challenge, lay off the nuts and nut butters. Yes, they are a good source of fat, but just a smidgen on the tip of a spoon turns into half a jar in an instant and the next thing your know the jar looks like it just came out of a dishwasher, your spoon is bent, you've got a nut butter smile like Bozo painted on your face, and a belly like Norm from "Cheers". How did THAT happen?!?
So even though we're only 2 weeks into the challenge, let's use the weekend to take a look at our goals - are we losing weight, taking fish oil, getting enough sleep, eating enough protein, eating a variety of meats and veggies??
Go back to basics - meats and veggies, three square meals a day, stay hydrated, get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Your small meal post-workout (carb, protein, minimal fat) is a 'bonus' meal and it's not meant to replace your breakfast or dinner. It's a little something to help you recover faster and more efficiently. Cut back on snacking. If you find you need something to bridge the gap between the main meals, eat more at your main meals. I will venture to guess that you're not filling up on veggies. Not sure? Measure out 3 cups of cooked broccoli (or other favorite vegetable), drizzle it with EVOO, and have that with a side of meat. Full? Good.
And if you need to snack, make sure you have a protein and a fat. So you're on the right track with the almond butter, but add in a couple slices of turkey. Enjoy carrots and guac? That's cool, but get some roast beef in there, too. And that holds true for all meals and not just snacks - at least a protein and a fat.
Make sense? No? Quick lesson - when you eat the carrots and guac, you're ingesting sugar (carrot) and fat (guac). Your insulin is going up with the sugar, and you need the protein (from meat) to balance it out. The fat is there for energy. Remember, we're getting away from sugar as a fuel source and moving fat.
I have my vices, too, and my weakness is the Internet. Sounds creepy, but I need to get offline and get more zz's each night. I can also put away a bag of almonds or pistachios in no time, so I'm going to adjust things these next couple of weeks and really work on getting to bed at a decent hour. I'm also nixing nuts. I would like to lose some weight and a bag of almonds every 3 days isn't helping my waistline!
If you enjoy that paleo dessert before bed and you're looking to lose weight, maybe you should rethink that and go to bed a little hungry. I'm sure you'll be tired, headachy, and grouchy for a few days to a week, but it's your body going through sugar withdrawal again. You will survive!
I'm going to make some changes.. are you?
Email me recipes if you've got 'em. We're starting to get a small collection - some that people have tried and some I've found and thought looked good - so let me know what works/what doesn't, and I'll get your notes and ideas up there.
And keep an eye out on more posts and changes to come. Some good things in the works!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Kitchen essentials
It helps to have a variety of meats and veggies in your kitchen to choose from, but what can you use to make life in the kitchen a little easier? Here are a few things (in no particular order) that I've found to be help -
- A good set of knives - it makes chopping veggies easier if you don't have to 'saw' through them.
- Sharpening steel - can't afford new knives or aren't in the market for a new set? Invest in a good sharpening steel to keep your knives in tip-top shape.
- Food chopper - Check out the reviews before investing in one. Usually small and good for small jobs - single tomato, pepper, onion, garlic, etc. If you want something a little bigger, look into a..
- Mini-Prep Processor - Motorized, but still good for small jobs like veggies, fruit, etc. If you want to do MORE, check out..
- Food processor - Good for grinding almonds into almond meal or even for making your own almond butter, shredding vegetables, chopping onions, etc. Look for something with multiple blades/slicing disks, high power motor (if you want to do almonds), or smaller cup/bowl inserts to chop up smaller jobs. Very versatile.
- Multiple cutting boards - You're working with meat, poultry, veggies, etc. Don't mix their juices and keep them squeaky clean. Get something color coded so everything has their own mat - meat=red, poultry=yellow, and the rest is for the fruits and veggies.
- Meat thermometer - I prefer my food medium well. The less it moos, bleats, or clucks, the better. A digital thermometer is easy to read. Bonus if it has a 'how to' guide so you know when different meats are 'done' - ie med, med/well, well done, etc.
- Storage Containers - I don't have a preference to one brand or another, but if you like to cook large meals to have leftovers, and if (when!) you're taking your food to work with you, make sure it's sealed. Don't be that coworker that comes in Monday with a Lean Cuisine boxed meal for lunch every day of the week.
- "A Non-aerosol mister" - or just a Misto. Miss using Pam to coat your skillets? This is MUCH better. Fill it with your own EVOO (extra virg olive oil), pump, and spray. Now you're coating your pans with olive oil and no fillers or additives. A definite must have.
- Slow cooker - aka a Crock Pot. Throw in a hunk of meat, some water or broth, tons of veggies and some spices, and let it cook on low overnight or while you're at work. Good for roasts, stews, whole chickens, soups, etc. Set it and forget it!
- Non-stick pans - So much to choose from! 10" for skillets, 12" jumbo with high sides, etc.
- Spices! - Okay, so it's not a piece of equipment, but it will help keep you sane. Basil, oregano, salt, pepper, mustard, curry, turmeric, coriander, marjoram, thyme, chili powder, onion powder, garlic powder, lemon pepper, Rosemary, sage, cumin, cinnamon, dill, hot sauce etc. And if you can, get theme fresh. On anything that might be a mix (lemon pepper), check the label for any added sugar.
There is so much more to add!
- Garlic press
- Garlic peeler
- Dehydrator (jerky!)
- Salad spinner
- Grill - Indoor (George Foreman) or outdoor
I know I'm missing more. What's in your kitchen that's your 'go-to' item or something you use a lot?
Additions from the comments section
- Microwave steamer for veggies
- Mandolin - slicing veggies
- A good set of knives - it makes chopping veggies easier if you don't have to 'saw' through them.
- Sharpening steel - can't afford new knives or aren't in the market for a new set? Invest in a good sharpening steel to keep your knives in tip-top shape.
- Food chopper - Check out the reviews before investing in one. Usually small and good for small jobs - single tomato, pepper, onion, garlic, etc. If you want something a little bigger, look into a..
- Mini-Prep Processor - Motorized, but still good for small jobs like veggies, fruit, etc. If you want to do MORE, check out..
- Food processor - Good for grinding almonds into almond meal or even for making your own almond butter, shredding vegetables, chopping onions, etc. Look for something with multiple blades/slicing disks, high power motor (if you want to do almonds), or smaller cup/bowl inserts to chop up smaller jobs. Very versatile.
- Multiple cutting boards - You're working with meat, poultry, veggies, etc. Don't mix their juices and keep them squeaky clean. Get something color coded so everything has their own mat - meat=red, poultry=yellow, and the rest is for the fruits and veggies.
- Meat thermometer - I prefer my food medium well. The less it moos, bleats, or clucks, the better. A digital thermometer is easy to read. Bonus if it has a 'how to' guide so you know when different meats are 'done' - ie med, med/well, well done, etc.
- Storage Containers - I don't have a preference to one brand or another, but if you like to cook large meals to have leftovers, and if (when!) you're taking your food to work with you, make sure it's sealed. Don't be that coworker that comes in Monday with a Lean Cuisine boxed meal for lunch every day of the week.
- "A Non-aerosol mister" - or just a Misto. Miss using Pam to coat your skillets? This is MUCH better. Fill it with your own EVOO (extra virg olive oil), pump, and spray. Now you're coating your pans with olive oil and no fillers or additives. A definite must have.
- Slow cooker - aka a Crock Pot. Throw in a hunk of meat, some water or broth, tons of veggies and some spices, and let it cook on low overnight or while you're at work. Good for roasts, stews, whole chickens, soups, etc. Set it and forget it!
- Non-stick pans - So much to choose from! 10" for skillets, 12" jumbo with high sides, etc.
- Spices! - Okay, so it's not a piece of equipment, but it will help keep you sane. Basil, oregano, salt, pepper, mustard, curry, turmeric, coriander, marjoram, thyme, chili powder, onion powder, garlic powder, lemon pepper, Rosemary, sage, cumin, cinnamon, dill, hot sauce etc. And if you can, get theme fresh. On anything that might be a mix (lemon pepper), check the label for any added sugar.
There is so much more to add!
- Garlic press
- Garlic peeler
- Dehydrator (jerky!)
- Salad spinner
- Grill - Indoor (George Foreman) or outdoor
I know I'm missing more. What's in your kitchen that's your 'go-to' item or something you use a lot?
Additions from the comments section
- Microwave steamer for veggies
- Mandolin - slicing veggies
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Reading labels - nutritional information vs. ingredients - and sugar
"But there's sugar in my almond butter!"
First off, as nuts and seeds are allowed, so are nut and seed butter - almond butter, cashew butter, sunbutter, etc. Not peanut butter! Remember - peanuts are legumes. Keep the serving to about 1-2 thumb-sized portions because it's easy to go overboard with a spoon in hand. Been there, done that! (Hellooo empty jar!)
If you choose to enjoy a scoop of almond butter from time to time, be sure to check the label. What's in that jar? Does your almond butter contain just almonds, or is there oil and salt added? That is okay.
Your label might look like this

And even though there is sugar, that's okay. Why? Because the ingredients on the jar say "Dry Roasted Almonds". What doesn't the ingredients list include? Sugar! There might be sugar in the nutritional label, but we're interested in the Ingredients list.
If you were to look at the Ingredients list for an apple, it would say 'apple'. If you were to look at the nutritional information, it would look like this -

Sure, there's sugar listed, but that's because it occurs naturally in fruit and other foods. It's okay to eat, but in moderation since a medium apple still contains 19g of sugar. Fruit is nature's candy.
During the challenge, I have you limiting your fruit to < 3 servings a day. Stick to whole fruit, which is a good choice. A not-so-good choice is dried fruit, and fruit juice should be avoided completely. It's just a can of sugar even if it's natural sugar; it's nature's Coke and not a good thing to drink if you're trying to ween your body off sugar.
This isn't just for nut butters as sugar is added to almost everything - tomato sauce, soup (look out for wheat, too), sauces, spices, etc. Read your Ingredients list (there better not be any sugar listed!) and be mindful of the nutrition label.
First off, as nuts and seeds are allowed, so are nut and seed butter - almond butter, cashew butter, sunbutter, etc. Not peanut butter! Remember - peanuts are legumes. Keep the serving to about 1-2 thumb-sized portions because it's easy to go overboard with a spoon in hand. Been there, done that! (Hellooo empty jar!)
If you choose to enjoy a scoop of almond butter from time to time, be sure to check the label. What's in that jar? Does your almond butter contain just almonds, or is there oil and salt added? That is okay.
Your label might look like this

And even though there is sugar, that's okay. Why? Because the ingredients on the jar say "Dry Roasted Almonds". What doesn't the ingredients list include? Sugar! There might be sugar in the nutritional label, but we're interested in the Ingredients list.
If you were to look at the Ingredients list for an apple, it would say 'apple'. If you were to look at the nutritional information, it would look like this -

Sure, there's sugar listed, but that's because it occurs naturally in fruit and other foods. It's okay to eat, but in moderation since a medium apple still contains 19g of sugar. Fruit is nature's candy.
During the challenge, I have you limiting your fruit to < 3 servings a day. Stick to whole fruit, which is a good choice. A not-so-good choice is dried fruit, and fruit juice should be avoided completely. It's just a can of sugar even if it's natural sugar; it's nature's Coke and not a good thing to drink if you're trying to ween your body off sugar.
This isn't just for nut butters as sugar is added to almost everything - tomato sauce, soup (look out for wheat, too), sauces, spices, etc. Read your Ingredients list (there better not be any sugar listed!) and be mindful of the nutrition label.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Check in - one week complete
Week one is in the books.
Did you survive?? I hope the answer is 'yes', and I also hope that you're starting to get a sense of how "easy" it is - meats and veggies.
Okay, okay, so there's a little more time involved in getting your meat and veggies together (which I'll go into detail about later), but send in what recipes you've made so others can expand their cooking skills and taste buds.
Take an assessment of yourself - stress, sleep, complexion, clothes, mood, wod results, etc.
Do you notice a change at all? A little more chill or less stressed? Sleeping more soundly? Less stuffy? Pants feeling a little looser? Feeling stronger?
It might be too early to tell, but keep those things in mind over the course of the next few weeks.
And keep filling out your tracking spreadsheet. If you're not sure if you're eating enough or think you're eating too much, send it to me (or give me rights to view it in Google), and I'll give you my unprofessional opinion.
Additionally - be honest! Any penalties? Own up! Write it down, do your penalty workout, then move on. Heck, I ordered a salad from Panera this weekend and asked for it sans cheese, but still found a few speckles of cheese mixed in. Yep. Oh well.
Did you survive?? I hope the answer is 'yes', and I also hope that you're starting to get a sense of how "easy" it is - meats and veggies.
Okay, okay, so there's a little more time involved in getting your meat and veggies together (which I'll go into detail about later), but send in what recipes you've made so others can expand their cooking skills and taste buds.
Take an assessment of yourself - stress, sleep, complexion, clothes, mood, wod results, etc.
Do you notice a change at all? A little more chill or less stressed? Sleeping more soundly? Less stuffy? Pants feeling a little looser? Feeling stronger?
It might be too early to tell, but keep those things in mind over the course of the next few weeks.
And keep filling out your tracking spreadsheet. If you're not sure if you're eating enough or think you're eating too much, send it to me (or give me rights to view it in Google), and I'll give you my unprofessional opinion.
Additionally - be honest! Any penalties? Own up! Write it down, do your penalty workout, then move on. Heck, I ordered a salad from Panera this weekend and asked for it sans cheese, but still found a few speckles of cheese mixed in. Yep. Oh well.
Friday, January 28, 2011
How to Guide - Surviving the Weekend
It's Friday! Day 5! You made it through the week! Congrats!
Now we head into the weekend where you get away from the Monday through Friday/9 to 5 routine where you knew what you were going to eat and when. I bet it looked something like this:
Breakfast - 8AM
Snack - 11AM
Lunch - 1:30PM
Snack - 3:30PM
Dinner - 7PM
*8 or 9PM bedtime so you get a FULL 8 hours of sleep, correct???
Pretty close?
The times might be *slightly* off, but you get the idea - it's fairly consent throughout the week or on set days throughout the week (MWF, etc)
So now we have two days with no time restrictions. You could maybe sleep in a bit longer (8+ hrs = points!), take a nap later in the day, wander around a farmer's market, and just enjoy some free time away from the office.
Free time can lead to boredom, which can lead to mindless eating while standing at the kitchen counter. We want to avoid this cycle. We want to avoid this mindless eating. I want you to eat your food sitting down where you can relax and enjoy your creation.
Here are a few tips for surviving the weekends:
- Get into a routine. This doesn't have to be a 'to do' list where you must fill your every waking hour with something to keep you busy. No. Try to eat your meals around the same time you normally would if you're hungry. It's what your body is used to 5 days a week, so stick to it while you're in 'reset' mode and weening your body off the processed carbs and sugar.
- Plan - Check out some cookbooks, scan the internet, and look at the links I included in my first ever Paleo email to you. I listed 3-5 good sites you can use for recipe ideas. I'm in the process of getting those links here on the blog and coming up with an additional section to house your recipes. (send them to me!)
- Shop - You don't *have* to buy organic if you can't afford it, but also look for locally grown foods as well as food in bulk - especially meat. Remember - good, better, best - when thinking about quality, but go with what you can afford.
- Prepare and cook - Use the weekend so you're not as rushed during the week and you can easily pull out the fixings for a meal. Try out new recipes you've found online.
*Chop veggies, hard boil eggs, grill chicken, roast a turkey breast, make chilly, bake sweet potatoes, pot roast in the slow cooker, etc.
*You are only limited by your imagination.
Check out this Guide to the Grocery Store from Whole9 for additional stopping tips and tricks.
- Stay hydrated - It's a simple thing to do. Carry a bottle with you and sip on it throughout the day. Use the guideline of drinking half your bodyweight in ounces of water every day.
- Going out? - Take something to snack on - fruit, nuts, trail mix, etc - or eat before you go. Don't shop when your stomach is growling. And take your water
- Don't obsess about food - Easier said than done, of course, but this is meant to be easy in the sense of what you can eat - meats, veggies, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, no sugar. Sure, it can go into more detail and that is something everyone is figuring out - almond milk? supplements? calcium? fruit? eggs and cholesterol? too high in fat? what do I eat for breakfast?
The pressure comes from within - making food you like and avoiding boredom of eating the same thing day in and day out. Think of all the possibilities of the foods you can eat and don't dwell on what you can't have. Your meals don't have to be exotic; make them flavorful and make them yours.
Use this blog and each other as a resource because you're not alone in this challenge. I'm doing it, too, and I did my 100 squats yesterday when I realized I had something that's on the 'banned' list. Oops. Penalty served.
Again, keep doing your own research if you're skeptical about how removing gluten, grains, and sugar from your everyday eating can actually be good for you.
Keep the questions coming either by comment, Facebook, or email. There's so much more in the works and I'm trying to get something new posted every day. Keep checking back!
Thanks for all the feedback.
Now we head into the weekend where you get away from the Monday through Friday/9 to 5 routine where you knew what you were going to eat and when. I bet it looked something like this:
Breakfast - 8AM
Snack - 11AM
Lunch - 1:30PM
Snack - 3:30PM
Dinner - 7PM
*8 or 9PM bedtime so you get a FULL 8 hours of sleep, correct???
Pretty close?
The times might be *slightly* off, but you get the idea - it's fairly consent throughout the week or on set days throughout the week (MWF, etc)
So now we have two days with no time restrictions. You could maybe sleep in a bit longer (8+ hrs = points!), take a nap later in the day, wander around a farmer's market, and just enjoy some free time away from the office.
Free time can lead to boredom, which can lead to mindless eating while standing at the kitchen counter. We want to avoid this cycle. We want to avoid this mindless eating. I want you to eat your food sitting down where you can relax and enjoy your creation.
Here are a few tips for surviving the weekends:
- Get into a routine. This doesn't have to be a 'to do' list where you must fill your every waking hour with something to keep you busy. No. Try to eat your meals around the same time you normally would if you're hungry. It's what your body is used to 5 days a week, so stick to it while you're in 'reset' mode and weening your body off the processed carbs and sugar.
- Plan - Check out some cookbooks, scan the internet, and look at the links I included in my first ever Paleo email to you. I listed 3-5 good sites you can use for recipe ideas. I'm in the process of getting those links here on the blog and coming up with an additional section to house your recipes. (send them to me!)
- Shop - You don't *have* to buy organic if you can't afford it, but also look for locally grown foods as well as food in bulk - especially meat. Remember - good, better, best - when thinking about quality, but go with what you can afford.
- Prepare and cook - Use the weekend so you're not as rushed during the week and you can easily pull out the fixings for a meal. Try out new recipes you've found online.
*Chop veggies, hard boil eggs, grill chicken, roast a turkey breast, make chilly, bake sweet potatoes, pot roast in the slow cooker, etc.
*You are only limited by your imagination.
Check out this Guide to the Grocery Store from Whole9 for additional stopping tips and tricks.
- Stay hydrated - It's a simple thing to do. Carry a bottle with you and sip on it throughout the day. Use the guideline of drinking half your bodyweight in ounces of water every day.
- Going out? - Take something to snack on - fruit, nuts, trail mix, etc - or eat before you go. Don't shop when your stomach is growling. And take your water
- Don't obsess about food - Easier said than done, of course, but this is meant to be easy in the sense of what you can eat - meats, veggies, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, no sugar. Sure, it can go into more detail and that is something everyone is figuring out - almond milk? supplements? calcium? fruit? eggs and cholesterol? too high in fat? what do I eat for breakfast?
The pressure comes from within - making food you like and avoiding boredom of eating the same thing day in and day out. Think of all the possibilities of the foods you can eat and don't dwell on what you can't have. Your meals don't have to be exotic; make them flavorful and make them yours.
Use this blog and each other as a resource because you're not alone in this challenge. I'm doing it, too, and I did my 100 squats yesterday when I realized I had something that's on the 'banned' list. Oops. Penalty served.
Again, keep doing your own research if you're skeptical about how removing gluten, grains, and sugar from your everyday eating can actually be good for you.
Keep the questions coming either by comment, Facebook, or email. There's so much more in the works and I'm trying to get something new posted every day. Keep checking back!
Thanks for all the feedback.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
What's your take on supplements/vitamins?
Other than fish oil, what 'magic pills' do you ingest? Did you stop taking that multi-vitamin? CoQ12? (I'm not even sure if that's real) St. John's Wort? Creatine? Post workout shake?
What's your take on vitamins and why do you take them? Should they be allowed? If so, what would you take?
Discuss.. a blog post will follow based on the comments.
What's your take on vitamins and why do you take them? Should they be allowed? If so, what would you take?
Discuss.. a blog post will follow based on the comments.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Paleo for when you're on-the-go
We are always on the move - metro, car, bike - and for some folks that includes having to fly somewhere for work or dine out with clients. It is possible to stay on track when you get out of your routine and have to go to new places were your usual foods might not be readily available.
Here are some basic tips to help you out.
1. Pack your own food
- Jerky
- Almonds, macadamia nuts, pecans, etc
- Fruit - fresh, dried
- Veggies
- Hard boiled eggs
- Sweet potato cubes.
- Tuna fish packets (read the list of ingredients)
- Avocados (slice it pre-flight. Good luck getting a knife through security)
This should help you avoid mindless snacking. Do your best to stay in a routine of eating at times when you normally eat.
So what about actual meals? Eating at an airport? Dinner with clients? All day conferences?
The same rules apply - plan ahead and pack ahead.
2. Airport
- See above
- Do research before you fly and see what the eating options are at the airport and in your terminal.
- If you need to buy from a magazine/snack kiosk, look for raw almonds
- It will most likely be fast food places, but you can make a burger paleo (mostly) by ordering it without the bun and nixing the condiments. Go for a side of veggies (no fries) or a side salad topped with oil and vinegar for dressing.
3. Dining out/fast food
- Don't be afraid to use the excuse that you have an allergy to something (wheat) when told 'Help yourself to the bottomless bucket of breadsticks'. It's more sympathetic than saying that you're on a diet since people know that diets don't last.
***This is not a diet!***
- As mentioned above, you can make a burger paleo by ordering it sans bun.
- Chipotle and Baja Fresh have the bowl options. Skip the rice and beans and go for meat (double), extra veggies (peppers and onions), and top it with guacamole. It's delicious and filling.
- Start with a salad or broth based soup (might be tough). Keep the meal simple and remember the motto of the challenge - meat and veggies and healthy fats. Look for steaks with a dry rub (no Jack Daniel's sauce), baked/grilled chicken (not Parmesan), and a side of veggies. Double it! Sneak some almonds into the restaurant and snack on those, too.
You can get away with snacks at conferences where they usually have trays of cookies and other processed carbs. Keep a water bottle with you, but most places will have bottled water. If sandwiches are served for lunch, remove the bread and eat the meat/veggies inside. Don't dwell on how hungry you might be - you are a healthy individual and will make it to your next meal!
Here are some basic tips to help you out.
1. Pack your own food
- Jerky
- Almonds, macadamia nuts, pecans, etc
- Fruit - fresh, dried
- Veggies
- Hard boiled eggs
- Sweet potato cubes.
- Tuna fish packets (read the list of ingredients)
- Avocados (slice it pre-flight. Good luck getting a knife through security)
This should help you avoid mindless snacking. Do your best to stay in a routine of eating at times when you normally eat.
So what about actual meals? Eating at an airport? Dinner with clients? All day conferences?
The same rules apply - plan ahead and pack ahead.
2. Airport
- See above
- Do research before you fly and see what the eating options are at the airport and in your terminal.
- If you need to buy from a magazine/snack kiosk, look for raw almonds
- It will most likely be fast food places, but you can make a burger paleo (mostly) by ordering it without the bun and nixing the condiments. Go for a side of veggies (no fries) or a side salad topped with oil and vinegar for dressing.
3. Dining out/fast food
- Don't be afraid to use the excuse that you have an allergy to something (wheat) when told 'Help yourself to the bottomless bucket of breadsticks'. It's more sympathetic than saying that you're on a diet since people know that diets don't last.
***This is not a diet!***
- As mentioned above, you can make a burger paleo by ordering it sans bun.
- Chipotle and Baja Fresh have the bowl options. Skip the rice and beans and go for meat (double), extra veggies (peppers and onions), and top it with guacamole. It's delicious and filling.
- Start with a salad or broth based soup (might be tough). Keep the meal simple and remember the motto of the challenge - meat and veggies and healthy fats. Look for steaks with a dry rub (no Jack Daniel's sauce), baked/grilled chicken (not Parmesan), and a side of veggies. Double it! Sneak some almonds into the restaurant and snack on those, too.
You can get away with snacks at conferences where they usually have trays of cookies and other processed carbs. Keep a water bottle with you, but most places will have bottled water. If sandwiches are served for lunch, remove the bread and eat the meat/veggies inside. Don't dwell on how hungry you might be - you are a healthy individual and will make it to your next meal!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
A place to gather
Hey folks..
Day 2!
I'm starting this up in hopes of having a central location that we can all congregate (group hug!), ask/answer questions, and share ideas on how to get through the day, survive office parties, and learn to cook and enjoy food.
Instead of 'spamming' you with email every day, keep an eye on the blog for some Q&A, recipes, etc. When something new is posted, I'll post a link to it on the CrossFit Capitol Hill Facebook page if you are a Facebook follower, and this will keep you from checking back and hitting 'refresh' every day. For those who aren't on Facebook, just check back at your leisure.
Soooo.. just post questions in the 'comments' section, or email me questions if you want to remain anonymous. I do have a growing list of emails that will now become future blog posts, so hang in there!
I hope you can all answer 'yes' to the following questions:
- Are you tracking your food, sleep, stress, etc?
- Do you know what you're having for dinner tonight?
- Did you pack enough food for today? Did you learn your lesson to pack more after Day 1?
Day 2!
I'm starting this up in hopes of having a central location that we can all congregate (group hug!), ask/answer questions, and share ideas on how to get through the day, survive office parties, and learn to cook and enjoy food.
Instead of 'spamming' you with email every day, keep an eye on the blog for some Q&A, recipes, etc. When something new is posted, I'll post a link to it on the CrossFit Capitol Hill Facebook page if you are a Facebook follower, and this will keep you from checking back and hitting 'refresh' every day. For those who aren't on Facebook, just check back at your leisure.
Soooo.. just post questions in the 'comments' section, or email me questions if you want to remain anonymous. I do have a growing list of emails that will now become future blog posts, so hang in there!
I hope you can all answer 'yes' to the following questions:
- Are you tracking your food, sleep, stress, etc?
- Do you know what you're having for dinner tonight?
- Did you pack enough food for today? Did you learn your lesson to pack more after Day 1?
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